Backed by some of Wales’ top musicians and the music industry, the project will raise awareness of, and celebrate almost 50 years of great Welsh music.
Anyone can be part of the celebrations, from shops and cafes to schools and colleges by holding competitions, raising awareness and encouraging young people to listen, enjoy and participate in by organising or attending gigs. Digital packs will be made available to schools and education institutions to help with arrangements. Anyone can support the campaign by sharing on social media as well.
You can also support #WelshLanguageMusicDay by sharing your favorite Welsh song on social media with #Tiwn
Gwenno, Singer
I’ve rediscovered Welsh language music in the last few years, and realised the wealth of what’s out there. This has been a huge influence on me and has given me the confidence to express myself creatively through the medium of Welsh, my first language.
Mike Williams, Editor in Chief NME
I loved how less formal the language was in song than in school. As someone from an English-speaking family, that gave me more confidence in expressing myself in Welsh.
Osian, Candelas
My life has always existed around Welsh music to be honest. It’s enabled me to be a professional(ish) musician and I don’t know if I would have had half the opportunities I’ve had singing in another language!
Here are 5 ways you can celebrate#DyddMiwsigCymru #WelshLanguageMusicDay
- Share your favourite Welsh language song #Tiwn
- Go and see a Welsh language band live
- Buy a Welsh language album or song
- Read a copy of ‘Y Selar’ online
- Listen to C2 on BBC Radio Cymru or Cymru FM