Ras yr Iaith

Ras yr Iaith (or Race for the Language)



Ras yr Iaith (or Race for the Language) is a national event run by a network of Welsh Language Enterprises. Menter Bro Ogwr was eager to offer this race within Bridgend County Borough and on the 6th of July 2018 the event was held in Porthcawl for the first time.

History of Ras yr Iaith

The race is based on the Korrika race which started in the Basque Country, which then gave birth to similar races in Brittany (ar Redadeg) and Ireland (anRith). The first Welsh race was held in 2014 and then 2016, the next will be in July 2018.

What is Ras yr Iaith?

Ras yr Iaith is not a race for athletes, it is not competitive, it’s a race for the Welsh language by the people of Wales. Its purpose is to celebrate the Welsh language, raise awareness of the language, show confidence towards it and to show the world that there is support for the language across the country.

Promote the Welsh language: Draw together Welsh speakers, people who are learning Welsh and those who don’t speak the language.

Promote Welsh language movements: The Ras is an opportunity to strengthen Welsh-medium movements and clubs by raising their profile and income through events along the route.

Unite Wales and the Language: The Ras brings together people of different backgrounds; language profile; urban and rural, prosperous and disadvantaged and shows the variety of the Welsh language

Raise the Profile of the Language: The Ras will raise the profile of the language in the press and media locally and across Wales and abroad. It will also help promote the use of the language online. It will be a positive expression that Welsh is a language with grass roots support.

Raise the Profile of our Communities: The Ras will help raise awareness and activity of clubs and societies across the towns and villages though which it will run.

Promote Physical Health: The Ras will help improve the health of its participants and will be an opportunity to enjoy speaking Welsh through improving their health!

Raising Income: Any profit from the holding of the Ras will be reinvested in the form of grants to clubs or societies which aim to promote the use of Welsh. The money is administered by Rhedadeg Ltd – a not-for-profit company which has been formed specifically for the run.